Western Australian guidelines for biosolids management

Biosolids are stabilised organic solid residues generated from municipal treatment of domestic and industrial wastewater.
Last updated:

In accordance with the State government’s commitment to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill, the application of biosolids to land is encouraged, provided this process is managed appropriately to minimise potential risks to the environment and public health.

These guidelines provide information and guidance on appropriate management practices for the careful use of biosolids for land application on agricultural, forestry, mine-site rehabilitation and landcare programs. The guidelines:

  • promote responsible use of biosolids in accordance with sustainable management practices to provide benefit to the land
  • protect public health and the environment by ensuring adequate controls are in place
  • provide a set of easy-to-follow instructions and management controls which can be implemented by stakeholders to outline the statutory obligations of those who deal with biosolids to meet relevant legislation and follow approval pathways
  • promote consistent practices to define and classify various grades of biosolids and options for their use
  • protect the interests of biosolids suppliers and recipients through a clear outline of their obligations and responsibilities
  • consider local conditions and requirements.